Ferrimobili has launched a new responsive website www.ferrimobili.com, created to respond to the needs of our clients and sellers. Indeed, approximately 70% of users look for information or buy directly from smart phone or tablet.
Ferrimobili renews its image by reinforcing customized pay off at the same price which clearly identifies the company’s mission: high product personalization and constant research for innovative items, thanks to a production technology that allows offering high quality, high customized products to meet the needs of clients and sellers.
The new web site www.ferrimobili.com is the result not only of renovation of its form, but also its contents: it is now possible to discover the must haves of the moment in the inspiration section, to request information in real time and to read informative contents in the blog section. But the novelties don’t end here: Ferrimobili has enhanced its communication potential thanks to its integration with the social network through Facebook, Pinterest and Google Plus.
Moreover in July Ferrimobili informed sellers and final customers about the new camouflage finishing in a newsletter dedicated to them. This was done in a new, fun way by using the “Camouflage yourself and Share” tool: with 3 clicks it’s possible to choose a camouflage shade, upload your photo and camouflage yourself. In this way you will have an original and trendy photo to share in the social network.
“The company is always closer and closer to its customers”, declared Fabio Ferri, Ferrimobili’s CEO, “where for customers we mean the sellers as well. We are conscious of the fact that modern communication is dynamic, responsive and presumes an even greater effort on our part. But the Market requires this of us, so we are glad to make the effort. The new website, the social networks and the communication of Ferrimobili all go in this direction.”
The new web site was thought up of and realized by Questagenzianonhanome at Jesi (AN), which also looks after integration with the social networks. “Working with Ferrimobili is a pleasure because we find ourselves facing an enterprise that knows how to realize a product that functions,” declared Fabrizio Candi, the CEO of questagenzianonhanome.it, Apra group, “and that has a very great competitive advantage. What a marketing agency must do is to communicate it, and to do it at its best. The idea of a dynamic and responsive site integrated in an intelligent way with the social networks is something we have shared with Luca and Fabio Ferri for quite some time.”
Ferrimobili distinguishes itself for its ability to create spaces adapted to the needs of everyone, in terms of space, comfort and practicality. The innovative production system Flex Size solves every designer’s problem. All proposed solutions are exclusive, and are create by adapting them perfectly to one’s living space. For more information on Ferrimobili’s design solutions, link to www.ferrimobili.com, or follow us on Facebook.